FOCUS-1 has won the Best of Industry Award 2023 in the category " Valves/seals". We are delighted and would like to thank all KROHNE customers,...
SAMSON, an international supplier of control engineering solutions, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, has launched a pioneering research project...
The industry application for intelligent diagnosis of valve conditions. SAM VALVE MANAGEMENT is a portal-based application for intelligent monitoring...
SAMSON and InfraServ Wiesbaden Join Forces to Develop Digital Information System for Biological Water Treatment Plant in Industrial Park
The FOCUS-1 smart process node jointly developed by KROHNE and SAMSON figures among this year’s winners of the Red Dot Design Award. The novel product...
SAMSON and InfraServ Wiesbaden Cooperate to Advance IIoT Solutions for Medium-sized Companies
KROHNE and SAMSON introduced the joint venture FOCUS-ON at a press conference on September 19 in Frankfurt am Main. FOCUS-ON is a newly founded...
Alia Begisheva
Phone: +49 69 4009-1120
E-mail: press-de(at)samsongroup. com