Electropneumatic positioner with FOUNDATION™ fieldbus communication
- Challenging transit times
- Challenging ambient conditions
- Throttling service
- Use of an external travel sensor
- Linear actuator, single acting
- Linear actuator, double acting
- Rotary actuator, single acting
- Rotary actuator, double acting
- Without certification
- Type of protection "Intrinsic safety"
- FOUNDATION™ fieldbus
- Fieldbus
- With
- With
Special features
- Electropneumatic positioner with FOUNDATION™ fieldbus communication
- Die-cast aluminum or stainless steel housing
- Attachment to linear actuators according to IEC 60534-6, VDI/VDE 3847, or SAMSON integral attachment
- Attachment to rotary actuators according to VDI/VDE 3845
- Attachment to double-acting actuators with Type 3710 Reversing Amplifier
- Integrated EXPERTplus diagnostics for control valves
- Integrated function blocks: 1 PID Control (PID), 1 Analog Output (AO), 1 Multiple Analog Output (MAO), 1 Multiple Analog Input (MAI), 2 Discrete Outputs (DO), 2 Discrete Inputs (DI)
- Link Master Capability
- DO function blocks to start/execute diverse functions (e.g. start the data logger)
- 2 DI function blocks to analyze binary input signals
- Any desired mounting position of the positioner (but not suspended)
- Simple one-knob, menu-driven operation
- Automatic start-up
- Easy-to-read display in any mounting position thanks to rotatable reading direction
- Classified status messages according to NAMUR Recommendation NE 107
- DTM file available for integration into FDT frame applications according to specification 1.2
- Automatic zero monitoring
- Calibrated travel sensor without gears susceptible to wear
- All parameters saved in non-volatile EEPROM
- Adjustable output pressure limitation
- Adjustable tight-closing function
- Binary input for DC voltage signals
- Pressure gauge
- TROVIS-VIEW Software (free of charge)
- Device integration files for engineering tools and systems
- Device compatible with paint
- Additional equipment: inductive limit contact, solenoid valve, external position sensor, leakage sensor, binary input
WA 284
Special Print: Control Valve Diagnostics in Safety-instrumented SystemsA Comparison of Architectures[EN][DE]WA 335
Special Print: Digitalization of Industrial Control Valves
[EN][DE]WA 316
Special Print: Seat Leakage Detection
[EN][DE][FR]WA 333
Special Print: Safety in the Process Industry
[EN][DE]WA 257
Flyer: Reliable Shut-off Performance
Increased safety through seat leakage monitoring
[EN][DE][ES][SV]WA 238
Flyer: External position sensor for Types 3730-2, -3, -4, -5 and -6 PositionersRugged and Reliable[EN][DE]WA 310
Brochure: PositionersAtachment, Options, Explosion Protection, Operation, Diagnostics, Safety[EN][DE]WA NA 122
: Type 3730 & 3731 Series Positioner
[EN]WA 353
Sonderdruck: Wunschdenken oder Wirklichkeit?
[DE]WA 252
Sonderdruck: Neue Asset-Management-Konzepte bei Stellventilen
Diagnose von intelligenten StellgerätenVerfasser:[DE]
Dr.-Ing. Jörg Kiesbauer, Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Erben, Dipl.-Phys. Dirk HoffmannWA 258
Sonderdruck: Integrationsservice weltweit
Intelligente Aktorik ist wichtige Komponente der Leittechnik
[DE]WA 283
Sonderdruck: Anbau von Stellungsreglern an pneumatische AntriebeEine vergleichende Bewertung aus Herstellersicht[DE]
T 8384-5
Type 3730-5 Electropneumatic PositionerWith FOUNDATION™ fieldbus communication · Series 3730[EN][DE][ZH]T 8389
Types 3730-2, 3730-3, 3730-4, 3730-5 and Type 3731-3
Electropneumatic Positioners
EXPERTplus Valve DiagnosticsValid for firmware version 1.51 and higher[EN][DE][ES]T 8350
Information Sheet of Valve Accessories
Positioners · Limit Switches · Solenoid Valves · Valve AccessoriesSelection and Application[EN][DE]T 6661
TROVIS-VIEW software
EB 8384-5
Type 3730-5 Electropneumatic PositionerWith FOUNDATION™ fieldbus communication · FF Device Rev. 2[EN][DE]
Firmware version 1.5xEB 8384-5
Type 3730-5 Electropneumatic PositionerWith FOUNDATION™ fieldbus communication[EN][DE]
FF device rev. 1
Firmware version K1.2x/R1.4xEB 8384-5
Type 3730-5 Electropneumatic PositionerWith FOUNDATION™ fieldbus communication · FF Device Rev. 3[EN][DE][ZH][UK]
Firmware version 1.6xEB 8389
EXPERTplus Valve Diagnostics
Types 3730-2, 3730-3, 3730-4 and 3730-5 as well as Types 3731-3 and 3731-5 Electropneumatic PositionersFirmware version 1.5x and 1.6x[EN][DE][PL][ES]EB 6661
TROVIS-VIEW 4 Software
DXF file from data sheet
- T 8384-5 [ZIP]
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