Electric actuator with process controller for heating and cooling applications
- Building automation
- Domestic hot water
Special features
- Electric actuator with process controller for heating and cooling applications
- Linear actuator with integrated digital controller
- Force-locking connection to valves
- Control in small to medium-sized buildings
- Outdoor-temperature-compensated control, fixed set point control, or fixed set point control with room temperature sensors
- Return flow temperature limitation
- Frost monitoring and automatic initiation of protective action
- Automatic anti-blocking function prevents circulating pumps from seizing up
- Configuration, parameterization, diagnostic function, and online connection for monitoring using the TROVIS-VIEW software
- TROVIS-VIEW Software (free of charge)
- Communication accessories
- Pt 1000 contact sensor
- Pt 1000 room panel with potentiometer and mode switch
- Pt 1000 outdoor sensor
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