|   À propos de SAMSON

Having a positive, open and transparent corporate culture entails complying with the legal, social and in-house corporate rules and regulations.

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|   Communiqués de presse | 2,149 characters (including spaces), 337 words

This statement still rings true even over 100 years later. On the contrary: If we understand 'energies' as not only the physical flow of all kinds of...

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|   Communiqués de presse | 1,220 characters (including spaces), 178 words

Since 1 February 2022, Michael Kohl has been in charge of Business Development at SAMSON. According to Dr. Andreas Widl, Chief Executive Officer of...

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|   Communiqués de presse | 3,437 characters (including spaces), 529 words

SAMSON and PFEIFFER Supply Valves for Technology Park on the Red Sea

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|   À propos de SAMSON

SAMSON and PFEIFFER Supply Valves for Technology Park on the Red Sea

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|   Savoir-faire

Flexible attachment of positioners and other valve accessories according to VDI/VDE 3847: Suitable for rotary and linear valves, Open platform thanks...

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|   Savoir-faire

Metal bellows are used in globe valves to seal the plug stem to the atmosphere. The thin-walled corrugated cylinders are used as dynamic seals,...

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|   À propos de SAMSON

La Grande-Bretagne est un marché important pour SAMSON. C'est pourquoi la chaîne logistique sera assurée dans les délais impartis.

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|   District energy and building automation

Property management companies tackle many different and challenging tasks. One of them includes the intelligent management of the heat supply. This...

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